Monday, November 15, 2010

My sister Adenike

A source of hope and inspiration to the Adekanle's family. Your smile and positive disposition to life never ceases to amaze me. The way you have lived for the last fifteen years since your accident has brought so much joy to everyone who comes in contact with you. Looking at you everyday these last four months, I wonder in my heart, how does she cope? Why does she smile so much? Why is she so happy? I wonder and ask myself if I were in her position, will I be full of bitter remorse or will I affect lives positively from where I am?

Adenike, you have taught me more than ever that happiness, peace, joy is only found on the inside of you. You have taught me patience, always asking me to slow down and enjoy each moment in life. You have traveled in life on your wheelchair further than the ordinary man with two legs. You are content and grateful to God for giving you the gift of life rather than mourning the absence of what every young woman has.

If I have never told you before in many words, you are my hero. And I love you very much. I will guide, help and support you and I will be there for you. So help me God.

Your sister,


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